buried from recent shows...loving his job...and squeezing in the book 'The Dragon and the Foreign Devils' (China 1100 BC to present) in 10 min stints
ARRIVING IN VERONA, ITALY to PLAY BASEBALL On the train from Milano to Verona I found myself being suddenly freaked out. My family-heritage-enthusiasm was starting to leave me...and self doubt started to pop up. In moments like this...and in my lifetime I had plenty...I did what I was taught to do on the baseball diamond...stick to the fundamentals and don't try to do too much! So I took a deep breath and kept thinking to myself, 'one thing at a time...and the first thing is to get rid of this HUGE, unwieldy, ridiculously heaving duffel bag!' There are two things everyone should know about Italian train stations: Left Luggage - you can leave your bags with them, thus unburdening yourself for a small fee. Buses - there are lots of buses outside of train stations and if you take Bus #1, it will take you to Il Centro (the center) of town. So with this knowledge I rented one of their changing rooms for 30 minutes...took a shower and sorted through what I needed to begin my que...