Game Publishers that wish to monetise around a strategy for the sale and management of virtual items need to understand the relationship of PCI Compliance with the e-Wallet.
Included in this is the ability to STORE credit card data at the ACCOUNT level for e-Wallet purchases and one-click-buying (spontaneous buying) either 'in or out-of-game.'
When discussing an e-Wallet capability, gamers must have their form of payment at the ACCOUNT level so VC (virtual currency) deposited into an e-Wallet can then be used to purchase from a ‘stored balance.’
The only thing that matters is CONVERSION. Since the first static page was posted and an effort was made to get users to sign up for a newsletter or become a member, there is one primary metric that matters; CONVERSION. Conversion is ‘the line in the sand.’ Conversion is taking a user from being a looker to a participant (which can be buying, signing up, registering, trying another game or character class etc), depending upon the business goal.
For this piece, let’s keep it generic and call this the desired action (DA) that a business wants to achieve.
A barrier to entry is any ‘design element’ or ‘feature set’ that allows the user to walk away before taking the DA. There are so many barriers to entry that it is almost an ART versus SCIENCE.
How does this pertain to Virtual Asset Sales?
Remember, a barrier to entry is anything that allows the user to walk away or impedes the DA. In the example around gaming, don’t let your gamers leave the fantasy state. The moment they have to walk across the room and get their wallet etc, the phone rings or the neighbours wave through the window etc…all of which takes the gamer out of the fantasy state…and really, a good game keeps you in that cool place.
The Pieces and How They Fit – ‘One Click Buying'
- USER registers with user name and password
- ACCOUNT created
- USER has an ACCOUNT (no form of payment attached)
- USER wishes to buy using a credit card
- USER enters payment details in registration form (PCI Compliant form)
- Credit Card details can only be appended to the ACCOUNT if the provider is PCI Compliant
- ACCOUNT now has user name/password/payment details (assuming PCI compliance)
- USER purchases VC (Virtual Currency) - $5 for 500 pieces of VC
- $5 purchase is processed against the credit card at the ACCOUNT level
- 500 pieces of VC are placed into the e-Wallet
- FUTURE PURCHASES can now be made against the e-Wallet, with no percentages or transaction fees (some providers charge for virtual transactions within the e-Wallet)
- USER wishes to purchase a virtual item for 600 VC (existing balance is 500 VC)
- USER needs 100 VC more to buy item
Conversion Barrier – the SERVICE PROVIDER is not PCI Compliant there is no stored credit card information at the ACCOUNT level (due to no PCI Certification) - IMPACT - USER must go get their credit card (remember the waving neighbors) and re-enter all payment details for EVERY purchase.